Personal freedom; personal responsibility
Central to living at Ananda is the freedom of the individual to develop spiritually as he or she feels inwardly guided. Residents are disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda or share a deep desire for God in a spirit of joyful friendship. Residents are naturally considerate of one another and cooperate to minimize influences contrary to spiritual growth. Drugs, alcohol, and smoking are not permitted.
“I‘ve lived here for many years while working outside Ananda in a corporate setting. I can easily see what my life would have looked liked if I‘d never moved here. It would have been very easy to slip, bit by bit, away from my spiritual ideals. I have a deep sense of appreciation for the atmosphere of support, and for the deep friendships we share.” — Cheryl S.
Pushing the edges of growth
The spiritual journey is intensely personal; no one can walk it for us. Our victories and challenges are uniquely our own. At the same time, the work of breaking down the ego and opening our hearts to the power of the Divine is the greatest challenge we will ever face. If we are honest with ourselves, we often flinch from the effort.
This is why monasteries and ashrams have provided a home to sincere seekers in all ages. It is easier to make spiritual progress toward opening the heart in the company of other seekers. The rough edges of ego that need to be smoothed come to the surface in community life.
The Mountain View Ananda Community is …
- A spacious 72-apartment spiritual community on five acres in a quiet residential neighborhood in Mountain View, near the border of Palo Alto and Los Altos
- A large, beautifully landscaped courtyard with stately, tall shade trees and outdoor shrines to great masters in the lineage of Paramhansa Yogananda
- A temple for meditation at any time, as well as regular group meditations
- Shared vegetarian dinners and spiritual fellowship with other residents
- A solar-heated swimming pool
- A large organic garden and opportunities to help out during community planting and harvesting workdays throughout the year