Learn More…
To learn more about the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, and the Ananda communities, we suggest a visit to these richly informative (and entertaining!) sites:
A Movie About Ananda
Finding Happiness, a major film about the Ananda communities, starring Elisabeth Rohm (Law & Order, American Hustle, Angel), Swami Kriyananda, and members of the Ananda communities worldwide.

Ananda Sangha (Palo Alto): http://www.anandapaloalto.org Ananda Sangha (Nevada City): http://www.ananda.org. Here you will find streaming videos of talks by Swami Kriyananda, as well as books, tapes, music, instruction in yoga, and much more.Living Wisdom School in Palo Alto (K-6).
Education for excellence in academics and in life: http://www.livingwisdomschool.org
The original book on communities by Swami Kriyananda: Cooperative Communities – How to Start Them, and Why, available to read for free online.