A Yogananda Community in Mountain View, California

Ananda is … a spiritual path for an age of energy-awareness …

Paramhansa Yogananda came to America in 1920 to help people of all faiths meet the challenges that modern science had begun to pose to religion. He brought a teaching that is profoundly practical and highly relevant for this age. Follow the links under “Religion of the Future” above to learn more…

A disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda smiles and leans on a statue of Babaji

A saner way of life for people who aspire …

The world is in a heck of a state — the details are familiar – the fragile economy, the sense of meaninglessness, the fanaticism and bigotry. But what if we could enjoy a more reasonable way of living? One that includes human values – not merely the latest jury-rigged political systems. Follow the links under “Communities” above  to learn more…

Ananda residents celebrate Swami Kriyananda walkway

Watch a beautiful 5-minute video …